在Dockerfile中运行npm run test?


使用构建器生成较小的docker映像,什么是运行 npm run test 的好方法?构建后似乎可以在Dockerfile中运行它,但是我可能丢失了一些东西

Using a builder to generate a smaller docker image, what would be a good way to run npm run test? I seems like running it in the Dockerfile after the build would make sense but maybe I'm missing something



# Global args to persist through build stages
ARG docker_build_user
ARG docker_build_time
ARG docker_build_head
ARG docker_build_head_short
ARG docker_build_submodules_head

FROM node:8.9.4-alpine as builder


COPY . .

RUN apk add --no-cache bash
RUN apk add --no-cache git
RUN apk add --no-cache make gcc g++ python

RUN npm install

ENV NODE_ENV=production

RUN npm run build

RUN rm -rf node_modules

RUN npm install

FROM node:8.9.4-alpine

# setup build metadata
ARG docker_build_user
ARG docker_build_time
ARG docker_build_head
ARG docker_build_head_short
ARG docker_build_submodules_head


COPY --from=builder /app .

ENV DOCKER_BUILD_USER $docker_build_user
ENV DOCKER_BUILD_TIME $docker_build_time
ENV DOCKER_BUILD_HEAD $docker_build_head
ENV DOCKER_BUILD_HEAD_SHORT $docker_build_head_short
ENV DOCKER_BUILD_SUBMODULES_HEAD $docker_build_submodules_head
ENV DOCKER_BUILD_DESCRIPTION This build was created by $docker_build_user at $docker_build_time from $docker_build_head_short
ENV NODE_ENV=production


RUN chown -R 999:999 .
USER 999

# expose our service port

# Default is to run the server (should be able to run worker)
# Set env var in k8s or run : NPM_RUN_TASK (default is serve)
CMD ["/app/startup.sh"]

从您的承受能力来看,您已经将 multistage build 用于您的 Dockerfile ,这是构建的一个阶段,然后进行打包.

From what you afford, you have already used multistage build for your Dockerfile, one stage for build, and one stage for package.


You use this because the final package stage do not need some build dependency for build, so you separate build to first stage. Then the things are same for test, your dockerfile structure will be something like next:


# Build stage
FROM node:8.9.4-alpine as builder
# ......
RUN npm install

# Test stage
FROM builder as test
# ......
RUN npm run test

# Package stage
FROM node:8.9.4-alpine
COPY --from=builder /app .
# ......


Then, the test stage still could use the built out things in build stage to test, but package stage will not have anything generated in test stage.


Some related guide refers to this and also this, above is what other folks daily do for their nodejs project docker integration.