通过Google Play开发者控制台进行A/B测试应用功能

通过Google Play开发者控制台进行A/B测试应用功能


是否可以通过Google Play开发者控制台进行A/B测试应用功能?

Is it possible to A/B test app features via Google Play Developer Console?
If not, what alternatives are there?

我现在不是.尝试Kii的A/B测试(刚刚发布).他们有一个适用于Android的SDK(以及其他工具).尽管未与Google Play开发者控制台集成(它们具有自己的开发者控制台),所以我不确定这是否对您有效.

Not that I now of. Try Kii's A/B Testing (just released). They have an SDK for Android (among others). Not integrated with Google Play Developer console though (they have their own dev console) so I'm not sure if this is a valid alternative for you.


只有我的2美分. 最好.

Just my 2 cents. Best.