Google Bigquery:发生内部错误,无法完成请求


我很难让BigQuery作业从Web Interface执行.如果我尝试运行该作业,则会收到错误消息

I am having difficulty getting a BigQuery job to execute from the Web Interface. If I try to run the job I get the error message

Error: An internal error occurred and the request could not be completed.
Job ID: rhi-localytics-db:job_V-6F5YOk0k9ENTgDfGX84Ghnxz8


Does anyone have any idea what problem this error message means? The query I'm using is not terribly complicated.

谢谢, 布拉德


I checked the internal error details and your query appears to have hit a transient internal error. The error should have nothing to do with your specific query. We'll investigate internally to reduce the occurrence of errors like this.


Does your query reliably fail with this error if you rerun it, or did you only receive this error on the one query job?