在jQuery AJAX成功回调中解析JSON列表(通过C#)



I'm using jQuery's AJAX methods to call a C# service to return a JSON serialized list.

public JsonResult SearchTicket(ViewModelTicket ticket) {

    var list = UnitOfTicket.Where(x =>x.TicketId == ticket.TicketId);

    return Json(new { list  }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);


I parse the response from within the success callback function and render it as HTML.

        type: "POST",
        url: url,
        data: JSON.stringify(Ticket),
        dataType: "json",
        contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
        success: function (list) {
            var data = list;
            for (var i in data) {
                     '<tr>' +
                         '<td>' + data[i].TicketId + '</td>' +
                         '<td>' + data[i].Title + '</td>' +
                         '<td>' + data[i].PriorityId + '</tr>' +
                         '<td>' + data[i].OpenDateAndTime + '</tr>' +
                         '<td>' + data[i].SlaExpiration + '</td>' +
         error: function () {
             alert("Error occured!!")


[{"TicketId":1,"OpenDateAndTime":"/Date(1517833557277)/","ClosedDateTime":null,"VersionId":140,"PriorityId":2,"CompanyId":0,"UserId":null,"Rate":null,"SlaExpiration":null,"TicketTypeId":1,"StatusId":1,"ProductId":1,"SubProductId":1,"TaskId":1,"Title":"Primeiro Chamado","Files":null}]

我的问题是用未定义的值渲染对象.例如:data [i] .Title ...

My problem is rendering an object with an undefinded value. For example: data[i].Title ...



If you try alert(JSON.stringify(data)) what do you see? Your code works as if data is an Array of objects, but it may actually be an Array full of nested Arrays.


If alert(JSON.stringify(data[i])); is showing you [{"TicketId":...}] it looks like data[i] is an Array containing a single object--in this case, data[i].TicketId is undefined but data[i][0].TicketId should have the value you want. If this is the case, using data[i][0] instead of data[i] across the board should help you out.

注意:不过,我会谨慎使用for (var i in data),因为如果dataArray,并且您向Array.prototype添加了任何类型的数据(例如,polyfilled Array方法),则它会将包含在此循环中.使用起来更安全:

Note: I'd be careful about using for (var i in data), though, since if data is an Array and you have any sort of data added to Array.prototype (e.g. a polyfilled Array method), then it will be included in this loop. It'd be safer to use:

for (var i in data) {
    if (data.hasOwnProperty(i)) {