我怎样才能传递一个“充满对象的 MutableArray"?通过使用 NSUserDefaults 到另一个类?


如何使用 NSUserDefaultsMutableArray with full Objects"传递给另一个类?我知道如何传递MutableArray",但这不起作用!

How can I pass a "MutableArray with full of Objects" to another class by using NSUserDefaults? I know how to pass "MutableArray"s but this does not work!


我有一个 MutableArray;'myCityObjects',然后我用对象填充它;'城市'在每个 'cities' 对象中都有诸如 cityNamecityLocation 等属性...

I have a MutableArray; 'myCityObjects', and I populate it with objects; 'cities' In each 'cities' object there are properties like cityName, cityLocation etc...

[myCityObjects addObject:cities];


Now, what I want to do is to pass this MutableArray (filled with objects) to another class by using 'NSUserDefaults';

[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setObject: myCityObjects forKey:@"MCO"];


NSMutableArray *getMyCityObjects = [[NSArray alloc] init];

getMyCityObjects = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] mutableArrayValueForKey:@"MCO"];

但它不起作用!我无法在另一个类中获取 myCityObjectsgetMyCityObjects"为空.我该如何解决?

But it doesn't work! I cannot get myCityObjects in the other class, "getMyCityObjects" is empty. How can I fix that?


您的数组为 nil,因为其中的对象(您的自定义对象)无法序列化.

Your array is nil because the objects in it (your custom objects) can't be serialised.

请看一下 NSCoding 协议.你想要序列化的对象(例如写入 NSUserDefaults)必须实现方法 -encodeWithCoder:-initWithCoder.

Please take a look at the NSCoding protocol. Objects you want to serialise (eg for writing to NSUserDefaults) must implement the methods -encodeWithCoder: and -initWithCoder.


I'm sure you'll find how this is rather easily done searching for the terms I gave you...