JSF 2.0中的显式URL重定向



hello.xhtml ,由.../hello.jsf网址呈现.

hello.xhtml, rendered by .../hello.jsf url.

  <h:commandButton id="submit" value="Submit" action="response"/>

response.xhtml ,由.../response.jsf网址呈现.

response.xhtml, rendered by .../response.jsf url.

  <h:commandButton id="back" value="Back" action="hello"/>


When Submit button is clicked, the hello page is redirected to the response page but the url remains the same, i.e., the url is still .../hello.jsf.

点击提交"按钮后,我希望该网址为 .../response.jsf .有什么帮助吗?

I'd like the url to be .../response.jsf after the Submit button is clicked. Any help, please?



Add the redirect attribute to your faces_config.xml file like so:

       <!--the redirect element -->

从您的导航结果样式中,我得到的印象是您正在使用faces-config.xml.我已经亲自确认,对于新的JSF 2样式导航,您所做的事情也是允许的.有关在JSF2样式的导航处理中使用redirect url参数的信息,请参阅BalusC的答案.

I got the impression that you're using a faces-config.xml from your navigation outcome styling. I have confirmed personally that what you're doing is also permissible for the new JSF 2 style navigation. See BalusC's answer for using the redirect url parameter in a JSF2-style navigation handling