使用IIS URL将非www重定向到www通常无需硬编码域或TLCD重写


我正在构建一个ASP.NET CMS驱动的Web应用程序,它将为不同域名下的多个网站提供服务。其中一些将使用www子域,其他将使用自定义子域。将有各种*国家/地区域。

I am building an ASP.NET CMS-driven web application which will serve multiple websites under different domain names. Some of these will use www sub-domain, others will use custom sub-domains. There will be a variety of top-level country domains.

我正在寻找一个通用的IIS URL重写规则,该规则将重定向任何未指定子网址的URL -domain到它的www等价物。

I'm looking for a generic IIS URL Rewrite rule that will redirect any URL which doesn't specify a sub-domain to its www equivalent.

http://anything.anywhere/any-path 重定向到 http://www.anything.anywhere/any-path 但是留下 http://sub.anything.anywhere/any-path

When I say generic it means the rule cannot hard-code either domain name or top-level country domain. So the rule must redirect http://anything.anywhere/any-path to http://www.anything.anywhere/any-path but leave http://sub.anything.anywhere/any-path.

我发现的最近的是这个仍然硬编码TLCD。如果不了解URL Rewrite的语法,我不知道如何处理任何TLCD。

The closest I've found is this which still hard-codes TLCD. Without much knowledge of the syntax of URL Rewrite I'm not sure how to handle any TLCD.




Inspired by comment, I've had a go with regex, but haven't yet found a method that doesn't require me to hard-code a list of all possible TLCDs. I suspect this is the best I'll get. Can anyone refine or confirm this as the answer?



I just did the exact same thing using a rewrite rule with two conditions, one to get the Scheme and one to determine if the www is missing. The scheme is necessary as the redirect has to be absolute, but if your not catering for HTTPS that could be hard-coded. Just bear in mind I've not had time to test the HTTPS part yet, but pretty sure it will work ok.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
                    <rule name="Root Redirect" stopProcessing="true">
                        <match url=".*" negate="false" />
                        <action type="Redirect" url="{C:1}://www.{HTTP_HOST}/{R:0}" />
                        <conditions trackAllCaptures="true">
                            <add input="{CACHE_URL}" pattern="^(.*)://" />
                            <add input="{HTTP_HOST}" pattern="^(?!www\.).*" />