

我正在尝试使用远程XSL样式表加载本地XML文件. IE似乎可以很好地处理此问题,但不能解决Firefox.有解决办法吗?

I’m trying to load local XML files with a remote XSL stylesheet. IE seems to handle this just fine but not firefox. Is there a fix for this?


检查服务器端是否使用了正确的mime类型和字符编码. Firefox在加载本地文件时将自行计算编码,但在从服务器请求时将遵循服务器mime-type/encoding声明.

Check that you're using the right mime-type and character encoding on the server side. Firefox will work out the encoding for itself when loading a local file, but will honour the server mime-type/encoding declaration when requesting from the server.


I've seen a few posts (eg here) that claim that Firefox simply doesn't support loading remote XSL templates using absolute paths. I doubt this, and suspect it's more likely the mime issue as per above leading them to believe this, but it might be worth asking Mozilla about this directly.


Finally, have you tested that the XSL stylesheet works when pulled locally? And can you confirm that it is really XSLT, and not one of Microsoft's bizarre IE-only XSL variants, such as WD-XSL?