c#pinvoke到native int *


我正在通过它的dll与低成本的Tucsen相机交谈。大多数命令都在工作,但有一个命令我似乎无法正确编组。 CamApi.h文件中调用的签名是:

I am talking to a low-cost Tucsen camera through it's dll. Most of the commands are working, but there is one command that I can't seem to marshal correctly. The signature of the call in the CamApi.h file is:

CAM_API int GetRoi(int *pPtX, int *pPtY, int *wid, int *hei, const char *devName);

SDK还附带了一个工作的c ++示例程序,该程序调用如下:

The SDK also came with a working c++ sample program that calls this as follows:

int Core::GetRoi(int *pPtX, int *pPtY, int *wid, int *hei, const char *devName)
    return (*p_GetRoi)(pPtX, pPtY, wid, hei, devName);


which calls

p_GetRoi = (int (*)(int *, int *, int *, int *, const char *))Load_Fun("GetRoi");


My first c# attempt was:

public int TCgetRoi(
    ref int pointx,
    ref int pointy,
    ref int wid,
    ref int hei,
    string devName)
    int iOut = TC_getRoi(out pointx,
        out pointy,
        out wid,
        out hei,
    return iOut;



[DllImport("CamCore.dll", EntryPoint = "GetRoi", 
    CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
private static extern int TC_getRoi(
    out int pointx, out int pointy,
    out int wid,
    out int hei,
    string devName);

当我调用它时,返回int是0表示正常执行,devName也很好,但是四个整数出错了:58532,5852,8024,8276。当我运行c ++示例时,它们出现了非常合理的值:0,0,1280 ,1024。



When I call it, the return int is 0 indicating a normal execution, and devName also comes out fine, but the four integers come out all wrong: 58532, 58528, 8024, 8276. When I run the c++ example they come out with very reasonable values: 0, 0, 1280, 1024.

In the c# code, am I reading a pointer that I have to deference again in order to get the int value??

I have tried many other things, and always with the same result. Can anyone see what I cannot?


摘要:上面的代码很好沿着,相机卡在一个导致dll返回疯狂数字的状态。 Tucsen相机dll有点弱,因为它永远不会返回超出整个图像范围的数字。但图森因努力和愿意提供帮助而获得高分。特别感谢Jason Gleim,他帮助了几个想法,最终还指出了疯狂数字实际上是由dll发送的结论。
The folks at Tucsen camera were very helpful. I sent them the project. They tested it, said that they modified it a little, and sent it back. It still gave the same result, but since it was working for them when they sent it I became more confident that the pinvoke code was working all along, but the dll was actually returning crazy numbers. I added some other calls to the camera prior to the GetRoi call above, and now it is working and the numbers are reasonable.

Summary: The code above was fine all along, and the camera was stuck in a state that caused the dll to return the crazy numbers. The Tucsen camera dll is a bit weak, since it should never return numbers that are outside the range of the whole image. But Tucsen gets high marks for effort and willingness to help. Special thanks to Jason Gleim, who helped with several ideas that eventually also pointed to the conclusion that the crazy numbers were actually being sent by the dll.