包含vector< structure>的C#pinvoke编组结构


我需要为Windows ce 6.0项目调用一个函数,该函数返回一个结构,该结构包含int和其他结构的向量(在C#中):

I'm in need to call an function that return an structure that contains an int and an vector of other structures in C# for a windows ce 6.0 project:


The function is provided by an 3rd party provider (Chinese manufacturer of the pda), and they only delivered me the .h files, the dll and lib.


The function i'm trying to call in C# is defined in the .h file as :

DLLGSMADAPTER ApnInfoData* GetAvailApnList();


the ApnInfoData structure is as follows:

typedef struct ApnInfoData
    int m_iDefIndex;
    ApnInfoArray m_apnList;

typedef struct ApnInfo
    DWORD m_dwAuthType;
    TCHAR m_szName[64];
    TCHAR m_szTel[32];
    TCHAR m_szUser[32];
    TCHAR m_szPassword[32];
    TCHAR m_szApnName[32];

typedef vector<ApnInfo> ApnInfoArray;



#define DLLGSMADAPTER _declspec(dllexport)

我的问题是,如何在.net cf中使用该函数,因为它使用了vector类,并且我不知道如何将其编组.

My question is how can i pinvoke this function in the .net cf, since it uses the vector class, and i don't know how to marshal this.

仅使用常规P/Invoke Interop即可在C#中包装std::vector<your_struct>,但这很复杂.

Wrapping a std::vector<your_struct> in C# is possible with just regular P/Invoke Interop, it is complicated though.

从.NET世界实例化C ++对象的基本思想是从.NET分配C ++对象的确切大小,然后调用从C ++ DLL导出的构造函数来初始化该对象,然后您将能够调用任何函数来访问该C ++对象,如果任何方法涉及其他C ++类,则也需要将它们包装在C#类中,对于具有原始类型的方法,只需简单地P/Invoke它们即可.如果只有几种方法可以调用,那将很简单,手动编码不会花费很长时间.完成C ++对象后,您将调用C ++对象的destructor方法,该方法也是一个导出函数.如果没有,则只需要从.NET中释放内存即可.

The basic idea of instantiating a C++ object from .NET world is to allocate exact size of the C++ object from .NET, then call the constructor which is exported from the C++ DLL to initialize the object, then you will be able to call any of the functions to access that C++ object, if any of the method involves other C++ classes, you will need to wrap them in a C# class as well, for methods with primitive types, you can simply P/Invoke them. If you have only a few methods to call, it would be simple, manual coding won't take long. When you are done with the C++ object, you call the destructor method of the C++ object, which is a export function as well. if it does not have one, then you just need to free your memory from .NET.


public class SampleClass : IDisposable
    [DllImport("YourDll.dll", EntryPoint="ConstructorOfYourClass", CharSet=CharSet.Ansi,          CallingConvention=CallingConvention.ThisCall)]
    public extern static void SampleClassConstructor(IntPtr thisObject);

    [DllImport("YourDll.dll", EntryPoint="DoSomething", CharSet=CharSet.Ansi,      CallingConvention=CallingConvention.ThisCall)]
    public extern static void DoSomething(IntPtr thisObject);

    [DllImport("YourDll.dll", EntryPoint="DoSomethingElse", CharSet=CharSet.Ansi,      CallingConvention=CallingConvention.ThisCall)]
    public extern static void DoSomething(IntPtr thisObject, int x);

    IntPtr ptr;

    public SampleClass(int sizeOfYourCppClass)
        this.ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(sizeOfYourCppClass);

    public void DoSomething()

    public void DoSomethingElse(int x)
        DoSomethingElse(this.ptr, x);

    public void Dispose()


For the detail, please see the below link,

C#/. NET PInvoke Interop SDK


(I am the author of the SDK tool)