Java 9模块和类路径地狱:类名冲突


据说Java 9模块将解决类路径问题。

It is said that java 9 modules will solve classpath hell. However, I am thinking about the following situation: Module A uses modules B and C. Both modules will export a class with same name and package. How will the classloading issue be solved here?

在Java 9模块系统中禁止这种情况。如果同一层中的两个模块具有相同的软件包,则Java 9将在启动时失败,并显示以下错误:

This situation is forbidden in the Java 9 module system. If two modules in the same layer have the same package, Java 9 will fail at startup with an error:

    Package <package_name> in both module <moduleB_name> and module <moduleC_name>