


Ionic Version: 1.x



I have an ionic app which uses an ionic popover. However, when the popover is active (open), I can no longer interact with things in the background, for example scroll down my list of items. I have tried looking for existing answers for this question, but did not see the question being asked.


The popover itself does not have to be bound to any active element on the page, since it currently has position:fixed and will always appear in the same position.


So basically the question is, is there a way to prevent the popover from preventing me interacting with everything in the background?


I have found an answer, however, not sure if there is a better way to do this, perhaps an option that turns interacting with the background on and off, but for now the answer seems to be as follows:

  1. 确保.popover-backdrop类与实际固定的popover元素具有相同的大小和位置(在我的情况下是高度和上边距)。默认值为height 100%。

  2. 确保对.popover-open类(应用于正文)禁用 pointer-events:none;

  3. 请记住,这将改变行为,如果您在弹出窗口外单击它将默认关闭它。所以在离子方面,我必须确保在我离开视图时关闭弹出窗口的事件如果处于活动状态。