

我正在尝试使用knex连接到远程数据库,但出现此错误: 不推荐使用乏味.options.encrypt的默认值将从false更改为true.如果要保留当前行为,请显式传递false.node_modules \ mssql \ lib \ tedious.js:212:23 未处理的拒绝ConnectionError:无法连接到151.80.119.227,14831:1433-getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND,14831"

I'm trying to connect to a remote database with knex but I get this error: "tedious deprecated The default value for options.encrypt will change from false to true. Please pass false explicitly if you want to retain current behaviour. at node_modules\mssql\lib\tedious.js:212:23 Unhandled rejection ConnectionError: Failed to connect to,14831:1433 - getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND,14831"

我可以通过Microsoft sql服务器管理工​​作室使用相同的主机,用户,密码进行连接,所以我迷路了.

I can connect via Microsoft sql server management studio with same host, user, password so I'm lost.

这就是我创建knex var的方法:

This is how I create my knex var:

 var knex = require('knex')({
  client: 'mssql',
  connection: {
    server : ',14831',
    user : '****',
    password : '****',
    database : '****'


I can connect to it via python with:

 con = pyodbc.connect("DRIVER={SQL Server};server=,14831;database=*****;uid=****;pwd=****")


So why won't it connect through node.js ....

实际上应该在MSSQL options变量中指定端口:

Port should actually be specified in the MSSQL options variable:

 var knex = require('knex')({
  client: 'mssql',
  connection: {
    server : '',
    user : '****',
    password : '****',
    database : '****',
    options: {
      port: 14831

这是从阅读 https上的代码获得的://github.com/tgriesser/knex/blob/v0.16.2/src/dialects/mssql/index.js