


I'm well aware this is an issue with a clear solution in more simple situations, but i have implemented something that i think doing it otherwise or changing it completely due to this issue is wrong, maybe there is something that I don't see. well, I have clients, each client have missions,each mission has agents assigned to it. I want to load all that to an object, and to query on those parameters according to some search object i get from my client, like this.

public IEnumerable<object> GetMissionsBySearch(MissionSearchCriteria search, int loggedUserId)
        var today = DateTime.Now.AddHours(12);
            var query = from mission in context.Missions.Include("AssignedAgents")
                join client in context.Clients on mission.ClientId equals client.Id
                select new
                into x
                select x;

            if (search.ByType != ActivityType.All)
                query = query.Where(s => s.mission.ActivityType == search.ByType);
            if (search.IsTakenCareOf != "all")
                bool endedOrNot;
                bool value = Boolean.TryParse(search.IsTakenCareOf, out endedOrNot);
                if (value)
                    query = query.Where(s => s.mission.TakenCareOf == endedOrNot);    

            if (search.ByCreator == ByCreator.Me)
                query = query.Where(s => s.mission.AddedbyUserId == loggedUserId
                    && s.mission.AssignedAgents.Count(a => a.Id == loggedUserId) > 0);
            if (search.ByCreator == ByCreator.Other)
                query = query.Where(s => s.mission.AddedbyUserId != loggedUserId 
                    && s.mission.AssignedAgents.Count(a => a.Id == loggedUserId) > 0);
            if (search.ByCreator == ByCreator.Both)
                //query = query.Where(s => s.mission.AddedbyUserId == loggedUserId
                //   || s.mission.AssignedAgents.Count(a => a.Id == loggedUserId) > 0);
                //query = query.Where(s => s.mission.AddedbyUserId != loggedUserId
                //   && s.mission.AssignedAgents.Count(a => a.Id == loggedUserId) > 0);
            if (search.ByDate == ByDate.All)
                //Doing Nothing
            if (search.ByDate == ByDate.Today)
                query = query.Where(s=> s.mission.Deadline.Value <= today);
            else if (search.ByDate == ByDate.Yesterday)

                var yesterday = DateTime.Now.AddHours(-24);
                query = query.Where(s => s.mission.Deadline > yesterday
                    && s.mission.Deadline < today);
            else if (search.ByDate == ByDate.LastWeek)
                var lastweek = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-8);
                query = query.Where(s => s.mission.Deadline > lastweek
                    && s.mission.Deadline < today);
            else if (search.ByDate == ByDate.ByDays && search.Days > 0)
                var daysBack = DateTime.Now.AddDays(search.Days*-1);
                query = query.Where(s => s.mission.Deadline > daysBack);
            else if (search.ByDate == ByDate.BetweenDates)
                query = query.Where(s => s.mission.Deadline > search.FromDate && s.mission.Deadline < search.ToDate);
            else if (search.ByDate == ByDate.EveryThingBackToDate)
                query = query.Where(s =>  s.mission.Deadline < search.ToDate);
            return query.ToList();

我阅读了这三篇文章,但仍然无法成功地使它起作用,实体框架&包含 http://itsharpau.wordpress.com/2011/09/30/entity-framework-4-query-with-include-doesnt-work-with-join/

I read those three articles and still have no success in getting this to work, Entity Framework & Include http://blogs.msdn.com/b/alexj/archive/2009/06/02/tip-22-how-to-make-include-really-include.aspx http://itsharpau.wordpress.com/2011/09/30/entity-framework-4-query-with-include-doesnt-work-with-join/


Include 永远无效.想一想,EF应该在哪个班级中包含子集合?

Include never works if you project to an (anonymous or named) type. Think of it, in which class should EF include the child collection?


The include will work if you do

var query = from mission in context.Missions.Include("AssignedAgents")
    join client in context.Clients on mission.ClientId equals client.Id
    select mission

然后EF将具有 Mission 对象,可以为其加载 AssignedAgents 集合.

Then EF will have Mission objects for which it can load AssignedAgents collections.

如果您不想获取完整的对象,则可以通过将 AssignedAgents 作为匿名类型的属性并入而获得相同的效果:

If you don't want to get the full objects you can get the same effect by incorporating AssignedAgents as a property in the anonymous type:

var query = from mission in context.Missions
    join client in context.Clients on mission.ClientId equals client.Id
    select new
            Agents = mission.AssignedAgents