WPF MVVM-访问视图模型中视图控件的属性


我在视图中使用了不同的切换按钮和按钮.我需要使用视图模型中的 toggleButtons 的 IsEnabled 和 IsChecked 属性来根据某些条件禁用某些按钮和切换按钮.向我建议任何方法来访问视图中控件的任何属性到视图模型.

I am using different toggle buttons and buttons in the view. I need to use the IsEnabled and IsChecked property of the toggleButtons in the view Model to diable some buttons and toggle buttons based on some conditions. Suggest me any methods to access any properties of a control in the view to the view model.

将它们绑定到 View Model 中公开的属性,这样您就不会打破 View 和 View Model 之间的分离.

Bind them to exposed properties in the View Model so you don't break the separation between View and View Model.


In this case, you can bind the "IsEnabled" to a "SomethingIsEnabled" and then when that is set, re-evaluate your command status based on the properties current value.


I have noticed that for state within the View Model, I end up creating a lot of things like this to keep the "logic" in the View Model, instead of reading the View.