Azure AD身份验证错误:用户取消了流程


我正在尝试使用 Azure AD 开发我们应用程序的用户身份验证功能,并且在此过程中遇到了一些问题.我已经使用 ADAL 库实现了 client-flow 身份验证,但是当我尝试登录时却给出了如下错误:

I am trying to develop user authentication functionality of our application using Azure AD and having some issue in the process. I have implemented the client-flow authentication using ADAL library but when I try to login it is giving an error as below:

Error: User cancelled the flow RequestId:934620772 CorrelationId: 57a1ffe8-7612-49c4-b22d-2704eff74010
at fail (file:///android_asset/www/plugins/cordova-plugin-ms-adal/www/CordovaBridge.js:37:25)
at Object.cordova.callbackFromNative (file:///android_asset/www/cordova.js:295:52)
at <anonymous>:1:9(anonymous function) @ main.js:121821_rejected @ utility.js:286Deferred.reject @ utility.js:368(anonymous function) @ AuthenticationContext.js:91_rejected @ utility.js:286Deferred.reject @ utility.js:368fail @ CordovaBridge.js:41cordova.callbackFromNative @ cordova.js:295(anonymous function) @ VM298:1

我们正在使用Ionic 2框架开发此应用程序,该框架使用Angular 2和TypeScript.而且我正在使用 cordova-plugin-ms-adal 库进行开发.

We are developing this app using Ionic 2 framework which uses Angular 2 and TypeScript. And I am using cordova-plugin-ms-adal library for my development.


Would appreciate if you could please help me in resolving this issue.

问题是我使用 resourceUri 值来连接使用 ADAL 的Azure AD>库(cordova-plugin-ms-adal).

The issue was the "resourceUri" value I was using in order to connect with Azure AD using ADAL library (cordova-plugin-ms-adal).

我正在使用我的 Azure App Service的URI ,但是它真正需要的是 Graph API URI(

I was using my Azure App Service's URI but what it really needs is the Graph API URI (