如何使用华为Push Kit API向华为设备发送推送信息?


我想从服务器向集成了Huawei Push Kit的华为设备发送推送.我有来自设备的 deviceToken ,但是当我尝试使用API​​发送推送消息时,我收到了错误消息:

I want to send push from server to Huawei device with Huawei Push Kit integrated. I have deviceToken from device, but when I try so send push message using API I receive error:


80300002: No permission to send message to these tmIDs

API URL路径中使用的 AppId 可能是错误的.

This error can be caused be wrong AppId, used in API url path.

AppId ,因此: App Gallery Connect->我的项目->YOUR_PROJECT->项目设置.在此屏幕上, AppId Application ID ,可以在您的签名密钥的 SHA-256 上方找到.

AppId can be found in console so: App Gallery Connect -> My projects -> YOUR_PROJECT -> Project settings. On this screen AppId is Application ID, which can be found above SHA-256 of your signing keys.


So, working request using curl looks like (for notification push (shown in notification bar)):

curl --location --request POST 'https://push-api.cloud.huawei.com/v1/APP_ID_FROM_CONSOLE/messages:send' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "validate_only": false,
    "message": {
        "notification": {
            "title": "Hello!",
            "body": "Hello, shirley!",
            "click_action": {
                "type": 3
        "android": {
            "urgency": "NORMAL",
            "ttl": "10000s",
            "notification": {
                "title": "Hello!",
                "body": "Hello, shirley!",
                "click_action": {
                    "type": 3
        "token": [

要获取 ACCESS_TOKEN ,请参阅以下问题:如何获取华为Api的访问令牌以将推送发送到设备?/a>

To get ACCESS_TOKEN see this question: How to get access token for Huawei Api for sending push to device?


You can find more information in documentation: https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/en/doc/development/HMSCore-References-V5/https-send-api-0000001050986197-V5#EN-US_TOPIC_0000001070412173__section134322259125