


I have a form page and I would like to submit the form details to my server, and store the details within the server.

我需要一个脚本来将客户端的请求发送到服务器,我想到了使用 JavaScript.

I need a script to send the client's request to the server and I thought of using JavaScript.

我在搜索时遇到了 XMLHttpRequest.

I came across XMLHttpRequest while searching.


Could anyone please point me in the right direction?

JavaScript 是一种客户端脚本语言,它不能在您的服务器上存储任何内容,因为您需要一种服务器端脚本语言.

JavaScript is a client-side scripting language, it can not store anything on your server as you will need a server-side scripting language.

绘制表单和询问用户数据的第一部分很简单,可以在 HTML 中完成,如果您希望它好看,还可以使用一些 jQuery.服务器端将需要一个 PHP/ASP 脚本来存储或发送提交的数据.

The first part of drawing a form and asking the user for the data is easy and can be done in HTML, and some jQuery if you would like it nice looking. The server-side will require a PHP/ASP script that will store or send the submitted data.


HTML (form.html):

HTML (form.html):

<form method="POST" action="store.php">
Enter Your Name: <input type="text" name="fullname" />

PHP (store.php):

PHP (store.php):

 foreach($_POST as $name=>$value)
    $contents .= "$name = $value" . "\n";

 // save locally in cache folder
 $fd = fopen("cache/filename.txt", "w");
 fwrite($fd, $contents);

 // mail me the submitted data
 @mail("me@there.com", "some subject", $contents);

 // die in piece