



I want to Best MVC article .. For Begging .. i have 4 year exp. in asp.net with c# .. Please Suggest it .. Fast

Thanks in Advance ...

这里是 -

在7天内逐步学习MVC(模型视图控制器) - 第1天 [ ^ ]


我相信,你会喜欢这个教程。 :)
Here it is-

Learn MVC (Model View Controller) step by step in 7 days – Day 1[^]

This is one of the best and complete tutorial to start with. Author has nicely explained so that even a beginner can understand easily.

I am sure, you will love this tutorial. :)

我会认真地建议你重新考虑你的目标。你真正想要的是找到最好的文章(顺便说一句,那是什么?你能真正定义吗?:-)),或者只是学习ASP.NET及其MVC框架?我建议停止搜索那篇最好的文章并从这里开始: http://www.asp.net/mvc [ ^ ]。

I would seriously advise you to rethink your goals. What do you really want, to find "the best article" (what is that, by the way? could you really define that? :-)), or just learn ASP.NET and its MVC framework? I would advise to stop searching for that "best" article and start here: http://www.asp.net/mvc[^].