

另外,我也有使用C ++的经验.

Okay, this is a bit of a newbie question.
Is it okay if I jump directly to C# programming?
I have stopped coding for almost 4 years now and I''m already 28 years old.
Also, I have experiences on C++.



它来自C ++,然后尝试了解.NET框架.

Jump to C#.

It you come from a C++, then try to learn about the .NET framework.
Keep an open mind and try not to rewrite the wheel. A lot of things can be accomplished easier by the framework and libraries in it.

Other that reading a book, I recommend that you write an app or library to solve a problem. That will force you to google and learn and, if you are looking for a job, you will have something to show.
If it''s original and polished, you can post it in codeproject as an article.


如果您是说您是C ++程序员,并且想在没有任何培训的情况下直接跳入C#,那么这可能不是一个明智的举动-两种语言看起来非常相似,但是有很大的不同,并且不知道相当数量的.NET框架,这会浪费您的时间来重新发明*.

我建议您拿一本有关C#的书(Addison Wesley和Wrox做得很好),并通读它,进行大部分(如果不是全部)练习.掌握C#并不是很困难,但是.NET中有很多知识需要学习!
You have my full permission.

If you mean that you are a C++ programmer, and you want to leap straight into C# without any training, then it''s probably not a brilliant move - the two languages look very similar, but there are significant differences, and without knowing a fair amount of the .NET framework you would be wasting your time re-inventing the wheel.

I would suggest that you get a book on C# (Addison Wesley and Wrox do some good ones) and read it through, doing most if not all of the exercises. It shouldn''t be too difficult to pick up C#, but there is a heck of a lot in .NET to learn!

Absolutely ''Yes''.
As far as you can pick up the new language you can switch to any language. And as log as your logic is good, the figures like ''28'' doesn''t matter in coding.