附表控件ASP.Net MVC


是否有任何调度的组件,商业或其他方式,为ASP.Net MVC?我们公司目前采用的Infragistics的WebSchedule控制,但他们似乎并不支持MVC。

Are there any scheduling components, commercial or otherwise, for ASP.Net MVC? Our company currently uses the Infragistics WebSchedule controls, but they don't appear to support MVC.


I think I may have been a bit unclear, I am not looking for a task scheduler, rather I am looking for a web calendar/appointment/schedule management framework or component set. Something that would include a Month/Week/Day view of a calendar and allow me to create and display appointment items.


A framework that would let me build something like Google calendar, except the appointments would be stored in my database, not Googles.

dhtmlxScheduler - 我们很高兴与工具和同时支持

I just wanted to update with the scheduling tool we eventually choose. dhtmlxScheduler - we are very happy with both the tool and the support.

另外 - 因为它从来没有在任何上述问题的答案提到的,Telerik的有一个时间表的工具,兼容与ASP.Net MVC以及

Also - since it was never mentioned in any of the answers above, Telerik has a schedule tool that is compatible with ASP.Net MVC as well.