


I am trying setup WiFi programatically on an Android tablet. If there is no WiFi connection then add the network with SSID and passkey read from a text file. Adding this network to network list and saving the passkey. It's adding the network and saving the passkey also but when I try to connect, it's not connecting. let me know...

public static void setupWifi(Context _context)
     if(deviceConfig.wireless_ssid.length()==0) return;

     WifiManager wifi = (WifiManager)_context.getSystemService(_context.WIFI_SERVICE);
     WifiConfiguration wc = new WifiConfiguration(); 
     wc.SSID = "\"" + deviceConfig.wireless_ssid + "\""; //IMP! This should be in Quotes!!
     wc.hiddenSSID = true;
     wc.status = WifiConfiguration.Status.ENABLED;     
     wc.priority = 40;


     wc.preSharedKey = "\"" + deviceConfig.wireless_passkey + "\"";// 

     Log.d("ssid : ", wc.SSID );

     List<WifiConfiguration> netWorkList =  wifi.getConfiguredNetworks();
     WifiConfiguration wifiCong = null;

     if (netWorkList != null) {
         for(WifiConfiguration item:netWorkList) {
             if (item.SSID.equalsIgnoreCase("\"" + deviceConfig.wireless_ssid + "\"")) {
                 wifiCong = item;

     if (wifiCong == null) {
         boolean res1 = wifi.setWifiEnabled(true);
         int res = wifi.addNetwork(wc);
         Log.d("WifiPreference", "add Network returned " + res );
         boolean b = wifi.enableNetwork(res, true);   
         Log.d("WifiPreference", "enableNetwork returned " + b );  
         boolean es = wifi.saveConfiguration();
         Log.d("WifiPreference", "saveConfiguration returned " + es );

谢谢 基兰


I had this problem as well. The way I solved it was manually adding the wifi network to the device. I then enumerated over the configuration and copied the values that the device added to successfully connect to that network.


手动添加网络,调用网络管理员来获得配置的网络,找到你的网络,然后调用干将出的一切你想设置的 - 你会发现你所需要的确切配置

Add the network by hand, call the network manager to get the configured networks, find your network, and then call the getters out of everything you are trying to set - you will find the exact configuration you need.

void getWifiConfigs()
    WifiManager wifi = (WifiManager) getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE); 
    List<WifiConfiguration> networks = wifi.getConfiguredNetworks();
    for (WifiConfiguration current : networks){
        //check getters here