对于Ruby on Rails的+超薄+ Nginx的Amazon EC2实例



I've been looking for an AMI that has basically an updated version of ruby gems, thin and nginx and mysql installed.


EC2onRails seems to be left alone now since Paul decided to leave the project.


If you were to deploy your Rails App in the cloud, what are your benchmarks? Recommendations?

我无法找到足够好的一个回答这个问题,所以最后去了部署红宝石1.9.2和Rails3从头这里提到..的 http://blog.enbake.com/setting-向上轨-3-堆栈上的,亚马逊EC2实例/

I could not find good enough an answer to this question so finally went for deploying ruby 1.9.2 and Rails3 from scratch as mentioned here .. http://blog.enbake.com/setting-up-rails-3-stack-on-an-amazon-ec2-instance/