


I've got a silly question. I took a vector math class about 10 years ago and could've sworn I remembered an operation that allowed me to multiply the values of a vector together like so:

Vector3 v1 = new Vector3(1, 0, 2)
Vector3 v2 = new Vector3(5, 5, 5)
//Vector3 v3 = SomeVectorOperation(v1, v2) = (1 * 5, 0 * 5, 2 * 5)


Now in reviewing all my notes, and everything I can find online, it doesn't look like this is a common operation at all. Of course I can write a function that does it:

Vector3 VectorMult(Vector3 v1, Vector3 v2) {
    return new Vector3(v1.x * v2.x, v1.y * v2.y, v1.z * v2.z);


So far I've found at least a few instances where an operation like this would be helpful, so I'm not sure why it wouldn't exist already in some form. So, I guess I have two questions:

  1. 有没有比自己创建自定义函数更简单的方法来获得所需的结果?
  2. 为什么没有这样的标准向量运算开始?



When we electrical engineers want to sound smart, we call it the Hadamard product, but otherwise it’s just the "element-wise product".

您正在使用哪个库? GLSL?本征? GSL?我们可以寻找如何在其中进行元素级乘法. (通常可以使用SIMD对其进行加速,因此库提供的优化实现将比您的手动功能要快.)

What library are you using? GLSL? Eigen? GSL? We can look for how to do element-wise multiplication in it. (It can often be accelerated using SIMD, so an optimized implementation provided by a library will be faster than your hand-rolled function.)

Unity将此称为 Vector3.Scale :将两个向量相乘组件方面."

Unity calls this Vector3.Scale: "Multiplies two vectors component-wise."