

<ContextMenu x:Key="ContextMenu">
  <MenuItem x:Name="MenuItemX" Header="2"/>
  <MenuItem Header="{Binding Header, ElementName=MenuItemX}"/>

此链接 [

Using ElementName on a binding inside a context menu doesn''t seem to work.
This link[^] describes one way to solve it, however my context menu has no name since it is in a resource dictionary. Any other suggestions?

我倾向于使用 ^ ].


It is a nice solution, however not to my problem at hand. If the code I was working on was developed in MVVM, I could have moved the code to the ViewModels, however for now I am stuck in the land of XAML and code behind.

As I see it, it is a bug by Microsoft that you as a developer can''t bind to other UI elements inside a context menu. What I am searching for is a work around.