


I am trying to edit my detailed gridview based on master gridview click.I am adding a textbox dynamically and editing it.when i click on the update button it gives me the old value whereas i require the new.This is what i have done so far.Please suggest.

protected void btnedit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

      int index = GridView1.EditIndex;

      Button btn = (Button)sender;

      GridViewRow gvr = (GridViewRow)btn.NamingContainer;

      int getindex = gvr.RowIndex;

      //string headertext = this.GridView1.Columns[1].HeaderText;
      string id = GridView1.Rows[getindex].Cells[4].Text;

      DataTable dtfrweekend = new DataTable();
      SqlCommand cmdfrgetweekend = new SqlCommand("select s001_Weekending as Weekend from dbo.s001_Timesheets where s001_TimesheetsID ='" +id+ "' ", connfordata);
      SqlDataAdapter dafrweekend = new SqlDataAdapter(cmdfrgetweekend);

          BoundField bf = new BoundField();
          bf.DataField = "Monday";
          txtmonday.Text = GridView1.Rows[getindex].Cells[3].Text;


protected void btnupdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

    //string get = txtmonday.Text;
    //String sValue = Request.Form["txtmonday"];

    Button btn = (Button)sender;
    GridViewRow gvr = (GridViewRow)btn.NamingContainer;
    int getindex = gvr.RowIndex;

    TextBox tb = GridView1.FindControl("txtmonday") as TextBox;



Is it possible to get the changed value from dynamically created textbox in another function?




Dynamic Controls not avaialbe after postback reason is simple. As web is disconnect in nature it create one object of your page then create required HTML using that and send back to browser that renders it. So ViewState comes into picture to take care after post back and mange control on page despite multiple postbacks. Means dynamic controls not added to ViewState? Yes.

However any thing on HTML page that has type of input has ability to sent data to server. Means your text box is input type and does post data So how to get that value . Look below

if I add some control to page on page load like
if (!IsPostBack)
                TextBox t = new TextBox();
                t.ID = "txt1";



then I can get values after postback as

if (Request["txt1"] != null)
                value = Request["txt1"];



This is just concept not exact solution to your problem .. I guess you get the logic.


将你的textBox放在Item模板中并编写硬编码的AutoPostBack =Trueontextchanged =txtBox_TextChanged在aspx页面上的那个textBox之后

代码背后创建该文本框的事件喜欢 -

Hello ,

put your textBox in Item template and write hard coded "AutoPostBack="True" ontextchanged="txtBox_TextChanged" " on that textBox on aspx page after that

in code behind create event of that text box Like -

protected void txtBox_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    {  }


It will work in gridview for textchange event.

<asp:TemplateField HeaderText ="Sch.End Date" >
                    <ItemTemplate >
                        <asp:TextBox ID="txtBox" runat="server" ontextchanged="txtBox_TextChanged"></asp:TextBox>