在 DDD 架构中,我在哪里保留帮助类?


我正在一个 DDD 项目中工作,其中包含以下层:UI、应用程序、域和基础设施.

I'm working in a DDD project where contains these layers: UI, Application, Domain and Infrastructure.



例如,我说的是 Object Dumper Helper.

I'm talking about a Object Dumper Helper for example.


It depends on what kind of helper you are talking about.

如果它是一个 Helper 以友好的显示格式格式化一个值,那么它会更适合 UI.如果您在谈论 SqlServer 助手,那么它会转到 Infra.

If it's a Helper that format a value in a friendly display format, then it would fit better in the UI. If you are talking about a SqlServer helper, then it goes to Infra.