在Google Developers Console中将具有非Gmail域的电子邮件设置为主邮件


我想将Google用作我的网站的OAuth提供程序.因此,我在Google Developers Console中创建了一个新项目.我想在同意屏幕"下设置用户登录公司非Gmail地址时可以看到的电子邮件地址.

I want to use Google as OAuth provider for my web site. So I created a new project in Google Developers Console. There under "Consent screen" I wanted to set the email address my users can see when logging in to my company's non-Gmail address.

但是,由于这是一个下拉框,因此我只能从项目权限中设置的关联帐户之一中进行选择.我的问题是我需要设置一个不属于Google的电子邮件地址,也没有Google Apps帐户.

However, since this is a drop-down box I can only choose from one of the associated accounts, set in the project's permissions. My problem is that I need to set an email address that does not belong to Google, nor do I have a Google Apps account.

所以我的问题是:即使该域不在Google Apps中,我也可以在Google项目中设置非Gmail电子邮件地址吗?

So my question is: Can I set a non-Gmail email address in a Google project, even if that domain is not in Google Apps?

您必须先使用非Gmail地址在Google Developer上注册一个帐户.然后转到Google Developers Console中的权限",添加一个非Gmail帐户的所有者作为所有者.之后,您将可以在同意"屏幕中选择非Gmail电子邮件地址.

You will have to register an account at google developer with your non-gmail address first. And then go to Permissions in the Google Developers Console, add a Member with the non-gmail account as owner. After that you will be able to select the non-gmail email address in Consent screen.