


http://www.something.com/project/edit/ 987654321

什么是解析 987654321 使用AngularJS的URL的一部分的最好方法?有没有在任何角度辅助功能? (我preFER不使用jQuery)

What's the best way to parse the 987654321 part of the URL using AngularJS? Are there any helper functions within Angular? (I'd prefer to not use jQuery)


If I understand it correctly, the routing functions within AngularJS won't work unless you use a # within the URL or enabled HTML5 mode.


We need to parse this URL when the page is first loaded.

您可以使用的 $位置服务的 $#位置路径()功能:

You can use the $location service's $location#path() function:

# given: url = http://www.something.com/project/edit/987654321

然而,这听起来像你有一个路由问题。查看角教程路由,它展示了如何正确使用 $在你的 app.js 配置routeProvider 路线。从教程:

However, it sounds like you have a routing issue. Check out the Angular Tutorial on Routing, which shows how to correctly use $routeProvider routes in your app.js configuration. From the tutorial:

  function($routeProvider) {
       when('/phones/:phoneId', {
        templateUrl: 'partials/phone-detail.html',
        controller: 'PhoneDetailCtrl'
      .otherwise( ...)  //omitting remainder of cut/paste

所以你的 app.js 将有一个路由定义,如:

So your app.js would have a route definition like:

  function($routeProvider) {
      when('/project/edit/:id', {
        templateUrl: 'partials/editor.html',
        controller: 'EditorCtrl'

和控制器文件(即controllers.js)将有 EditorCtrl :注射的 $ routeParams 服务访问 ID 变量。

And your controller file (i.e., controllers.js) would have the EditorCtrl that injects the $routeParams service to access the id variable.

如果你需要一个更个性解析选项,查看 $解析服务

If you need a more customized parsing option, check out the $parse service.