Java - 使用分隔符解析文本以分隔不同的参数



How would you use multiple delimiters or a single delimiter to detect and separate out different string matches?


For example, I use a Scanner to parse in the following string:

MrsMarple = new Person(); MrsMarple.age = 30;

MrsMarple=new Person(); MrsMarple.age=30;


I would like to separate out this string to determine, in sequence, when a new person is being created and when their age is being set. I also need to know what the age is being set to.

这些论点之间和/或任何一方都可以有任何东西(不一定必须是它们之间的空格,但需要分号)。 MrsMarple可以是任何一个词。我也希望忽略同一行上//(两个斜杠)之后的任何参数,但这是可选的。

There can be anything between and/or either side of these arguments (there doesn't necessarily have to be a space between them, but the semi-colon is required). The "MrsMarple" could be any word. I would also prefer any arguments following a "//" (two slashes) on the same line to be ignored but that's optional.


If you can think of a simple alternative to using regex I'm more than willing to consider it.


I might try a simple split/loop approach.

给定字符串输入=MrsMarple = new Person(); MrsMarple.age = 30;

String[] noComments = input.split("//");
String[] statements = input.split(noComments[0]);
for(String statement: statements) {
    String[] varValue = statement.split("=");
    // Additional MrsMarple-SmartSense Technology (tm) here...

明智地使用 String.trim()和/或其他简单工具。

with judicious use of String.trim() and or other simple tools.