

为什么几乎所有的网站都使用Cookie而不是基本身份验证? 不能仅仅因为用户/通过窗口是丑陋的,而且没有一个是更安全的.它们都不安全(没有https).

Why almost all websites out there are using cookies instead of basic auth? It can't be only that the user/pass window is ugly and none of them is more secure. They are both insecure (without https).


To logout of a basic auth login the browser often needs to be quit entirely. This means there is no way for the server to log out the user.


I believe basic auth also has more overhead (assuming your cookie size isn't massive), but I might be wrong about that.


HTTP basic auth also sends the username and password with every request, making it potentially less secure because there is more opportunity for interception.