

我是春季新手,在spring3.0中创建了一个应用程序 我正在使用注释弹簧.

I am new in spring,creating one application in spring3.0 I am using annotation spring.

我想将列表从我的控制器方法返回到jsp.该列表将显示在选择框中.以下是控制器和jsp部分的代码. 请帮助我理解这一点.

i want to return on list from my controller method to jsp. where that list will be shown in selection box. following is the code of controller and jsp part. Please help me to understand this.

public String showUserForm(ModelMap model)  
  User user = new User();
  List<String> lookingfor=service.getOptions();
  //want to send this "lookingfor" to the jsp       
  return "welcome";     


  <form:select path="lookingfor">
  <form:option value="0" label="Select" /> 
  <form:options items="${lookingfor}" itemValue="lookingfor" itemLabel="lookingfor" />                 </form:select>           

虽然在Model中添加用户,但其工作正常,但是当我添加lookingfor属性时. model.addAttribute("lookingfor",lookingfor);

While adding user in Model, its working fine, but when i am adding lookingfor attribute. model.addAttribute("lookingfor", lookingfor);


its giving following error.

严重:servlet jsp的Servlet.service()抛出异常 org.springframework.beans.NotReadablePropertyException:无效 Bean类[java.lang.String]的属性'lookin gfor':Bean属性 'lookfor'无法读取或具有无效的getter方法: getter的返回类型与setter的参数类型匹配吗?

SEVERE: Servlet.service() for servlet jsp threw exception org.springframework.beans.NotReadablePropertyException: Invalid property 'lookin gfor' of bean class [java.lang.String]: Bean property 'lookingfor' is not readab le or has an invalid getter method: Does the return type of the getter match the parameter type of the setter?


You have to add the lookingFor list to the ModelMap object as an attribute:

model.addAttribute("lookingfor", lookingfor);


Also verify the usage of the attributes "itemValue" and "itemLabel", because both itemValue and itemLabel refer to properties of the items of lookingFor list. You're using the same value on both and that's kind of wrong.