为什么JPA TypedQuery抛出异常:参数值[...]与预期的类型[java.lang.Character]不匹配?


我搜索了类似的问题,但发现对我的这个特别奇怪的问题没有帮助.异常消息似乎是可以理解的,但是对它的原因以及在何处进行适当更正的明智的引用仍然使我不胜其烦...我就像 WHY是预期的类型java.lang.Character ???

I have searched through similar questions and found none helpful for this particularly weird problem of mine. The Exception message seems understandable, but a sensible reference to it's cause and where to make the appropriate corrections still beats me... I'm like WHY is the expected Type java.lang.Character???

我有一个名为paramsHashMap<String, Object>,其中保存了我需要用来过滤对MySQL数据库的查询结果的所有搜索参数,因此这就是我如何使用JPA Criteria API构建查询的方法.

I have a HashMap<String, Object> called params that holds all the search parameters that i need to use to filter results of a query to a MySQL Database, so here's how I build my query using JPA Criteria API.


The aim is to search all the specified dbColumns for a String passed as the argument called search

List<String> dbColumns = Arrays.asList("firstname", "lastname", "username", "email", "mobilenumber", "dateJoined");

CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<Client> cq = cb.createQuery(Client.class);
Root<Client> entity = cq.from(Client.class);

List<Predicate> predicates = new ArrayList<Predicate>();
if(params.containsKey("search") && StringUtils.isNotBlank(search)){
    String search = String.valueOf(params.get("search"));
    for(String column : dbColumns){
        predicates.add(cb.like(cb.lower(entity.get(column).as(String.class)), "%"+search.toLowerCase()+"%")); 

cq.where(predicates.toArray(new Predicate[]{}));
TypedQuery<Client> query = em.createQuery(cq); //<--- Error gets thrown here
return query.getResultList();

但是我一直收到此错误. 参数值[%tunji%]与此行TypedQuery<Client> query = em.createQuery(cq);

However I keep getting this error. Parameter value [%tunji%] did not match expected type [java.lang.Character] at this line TypedQuery<Client> query = em.createQuery(cq);


Please see StackTrace snippet below;

Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Parameter value [%tunji%] did not match expected type [java.lang.Character]
    at org.hibernate.ejb.AbstractQueryImpl.validateParameterBinding(AbstractQueryImpl.java:370) [hibernate-entitymanager-4.0.1.Final.jar:4.0.1.Final]
    at org.hibernate.ejb.AbstractQueryImpl.registerParameterBinding(AbstractQueryImpl.java:343) [hibernate-entitymanager-4.0.1.Final.jar:4.0.1.Final]
    at org.hibernate.ejb.QueryImpl.setParameter(QueryImpl.java:370) [hibernate-entitymanager-4.0.1.Final.jar:4.0.1.Final]
    at org.hibernate.ejb.criteria.CriteriaQueryCompiler$1$1.bind(CriteriaQueryCompiler.java:194) [hibernate-entitymanager-4.0.1.Final.jar:4.0.1.Final]
    at org.hibernate.ejb.criteria.CriteriaQueryCompiler.compile(CriteriaQueryCompiler.java:247) [hibernate-entitymanager-4.0.1.Final.jar:4.0.1.Final]
    at org.hibernate.ejb.AbstractEntityManagerImpl.createQuery(AbstractEntityManagerImpl.java:622) [hibernate-entitymanager-4.0.1.Final.jar:4.0.1.Final]
    at org.jboss.as.jpa.container.AbstractEntityManager.createQuery(AbstractEntityManager.java:96) [jboss-as-jpa-7.1.1.Final.jar:7.1.1.Final]

这实际上使我感到困惑,因为我在任何时候都没有引用java.lang.Character.此外,除dateJoined以外的所有MySQL列的类型均为VARCHAR,应映射为Java的 String 类型.

This actually confuses me because i'm NOT making any reference to java.lang.Character at any point. Also all the MySQL columns except dateJoined are of type VARCHAR which should map to java's String Type.

dbColumn dateJoined的MySQL类型为DATETIME,因此为什么要使用entity.get(column).as(String.class)以便将日期的String表示形式与search String进行比较.

The dbColumn dateJoined is of MySQL type DATETIME hence why I used entity.get(column).as(String.class) so that the String representation of the date will be compared with the search String.


So i'm wondering what may be the cause of this error and how best to go about solving this problem. Any help would be highly appreciated.

响应@Ish ...这是Client实体的样子

In response to @Ish... Here's what the Client entity looks like

    @NamedQuery(name="Client.findAll", query="SELECT c FROM Client c")
public class Client implements Serializable {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    @Column(unique=true, nullable=false)
    private int id;

    private String email;

    private String firstname;

    private String lastname;

    private String mobilenumber;

    @Column(unique=true, length=255)
    private String username;

    @Column(nullable=false, name="datejoined")
    private Date dateJoined;

    //... getters ... and ... setters


After some good experimenting with various strategies, here's what I did that finally worked.

感谢这篇帖子的潜在顾客此处让我想起了JPA Tuple 接口本质上是一个可以返回多个结果类型的对象.因此,执行我的like比较,并且由于Date不能简单地转换为String,因此以下步骤;

Thanks to leads from this post here that made me remember the JPA Tuple Interface which essentially is an Object that can return multiple result Type(s). So to perform my like comparison, and since Date cannot be simply cast to a String here are the steps;

  1. 我将该列作为Tuple
  2. 检查元组对象是否可以从日期分配
  3. 如果是,则获取Date-Format表达式并将其传递给like表达式.
  1. I get the column as a Tuple
  2. do a check on The Tuple Object to see if it's assignable from Date
  3. if it is, then get the Date-Format expression and pass it to the like expression.


Now, this is what I have replaced my former code with and works beautifully;

List<String> dbColumns = Arrays.asList("firstname", "lastname", "username", "email", "mobilenumber", "dateJoined");

CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<Client> cq = cb.createQuery(Client.class);
Root<Client> entity = cq.from(Client.class);

List<Predicate> predicates = new ArrayList<Predicate>();
if(params.containsKey("search") && StringUtils.isNotBlank(search)){
    String search = String.valueOf(params.get("search"));
    List<Predicate> ORPredicates = new ArrayList<Predicate>();
    for(String column : dbColumns){
        Path<Tuple> tuple = entity.<Tuple>get(column);
            Expression<String> dateStringExpr = cb.function("DATE_FORMAT", String.class, entity.get(column), cb.literal("'%d/%m/%Y %r'"));
            ORPredicates.add(cb.like(cb.lower(dateStringExpr), "%"+search.toLowerCase()+"%"));
            ORPredicates.add(cb.like(cb.lower(entity.get(column).as(String.class)), "%"+search.toLowerCase()+"%")); 
    predicates.add(cb.or(ORPredicates.toArray(new Predicate[]{})));

cq.where(predicates.toArray(new Predicate[]{}));
TypedQuery<Client> query = em.createQuery(cq); //<--- Error gets thrown here
return query.getResultList();


  1. 我知道无论从哪里开始搜索,我的所有日​​期都以07/10/2015 10:25:09 PM格式显示,因此我知道如何将要比较的日期格式设置为"'%d/%m/%Y %r'"的形式.
  2. 这只是适用于Dates的一个步骤.大多数其他类型,例如int,long,char ...等都可以直接转换为String,并且随着我探索更多的数据类型,对于任何其他不能直接转换为String的Type,我肯定也会做同样的事情.
  1. I am aware that from wherever the search would be initiated, all my Dates are presented in this form 07/10/2015 10:25:09 PM hence my ability to know how to format the Date for the comparison in my like expression as "'%d/%m/%Y %r'".
  2. This is just one step that works for Dates. Most other Types e.g int, long, char ...etc... can all be directly Cast to String and as I explore more Types of data, I'll definitely do the same for any other Type that cannot be directly Cast to String.


Though this works perfectly for me, I'll still keep it open for comments by anyone that may have any reservations about my strategy and I'll only mark it as the correct answer after I've subjected it to many more extensive tests.


And if this helps you out in any way... Cheers mate!