

            "name": "Basic",
            "id": "home",
            "childrens": [
                    "name": "Dashboard",
                    "viewtype": "custom",
                    "view": "dashboard.html",
                    "childrens": []
                    "name": "DeviceInfo",
                    "href": "WSettings",
                    "childrens": [
                            "name": "DeviceInfo Form",
                            "childrens": [
                                    "name": "DeviceInfo Form1",
                                    "viewtype": "xml",
                                    "view": "dinfo",
                                    "childrens": []
                                    "name": "DeviceInfo Form2",
                                    "viewtype": "xml",
                                    "view": "complexjson",
                                    "childrens": []
                            "name": "DeviceInfo Table",
                            "childrens": [
                                    "name": "DeviceInfo Table1",
                                    "viewtype": "xml",
                                    "view": "dinfotable",
                                    "childrens": []
                                    "name": "DeviceInfo Table2",
                                    "viewtype": "xml",
                                    "view": "jsontable",
                                    "childrens": []

                    "name": "Hybrid",
                    "childrens": [
                            "name": "Table-Form",
                            "viewtype": "xml",
                            "view": "hybrid",
                            "childrens": []
            "name": "Advanced",
            "id": "profile",
            "childrens": []

要打印从根到叶的所有路径(其中一个空的子级" ). 例如Basic.DeviceInfo.DeviceInfo Form.DeviceInfo Form1

Want to print all paths from root to leaf(one with empty 'childrens'). E.g Basic.DeviceInfo.DeviceInfo Form.DeviceInfo Form1

一切正常,直到 DeviceInfo Form2

当涉及到 DeviceInfo Table (设备信息表)时,出现了 DeviceInfo表单-> Basic.DeviceInfo.DeviceInfo Form.DeviceInfo Table.DeviceInfo Table1.

When it comes to DeviceInfo Table, DeviceInfo Form is coming into picture --> Basic.DeviceInfo.DeviceInfo Form.DeviceInfo Table.DeviceInfo Table1.

这不应该发生.相反,我需要 Basic.DeviceInfo.DeviceInfo Table.DeviceInfo Table1.

This should not happen. Instead I need Basic.DeviceInfo.DeviceInfo Table.DeviceInfo Table1.


Where am I going wrong with my code. Any solution?

def walk(list1, path = ""):
        for dic in list1:
            #print('about to walk', dic['name'], 'passing path -->', path)
            if(len(dic['childrens']) == 0):
                print('leaf --->', path+dic['name']+'.')
                path = path+dic['name']+'.'
                #passing parent name to childreni
                walk(dic['childrens'], path)

您正在子句中设置path = path +dic['name']+'.'.一旦walk()函数完成了遍历DeviceInfoForm'childrens'之后,它将尝试遍历DeviceInfoTable.但是,您的函数已经将路径设置为 Basic.DeviceInfo.DeviceInfoForm.

You are setting your path = path +dic['name']+'.' in your else clause. Once the walk() function has finished traversing through the DeviceInfoForm 'childrens', it attempts to traverse the DeviceInfoTable. However, your function has already set path to Basic.DeviceInfo.DeviceInfoForm.


You need to reorganize your function so that the path isn't set in the else: statement. Perhaps

    walk(dic['childrens'], path+dic['name']+'.')


That way you are passing the correct path to the function, but not explicitly setting it.