C ++比较char和字符串文字




I'm writing a very simply program for my computer science class and I ran into an issue that I'd like to know more about. Here is my code:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
    char courseLevel;

    cout << "Will you be taking graduate or undergraduate level courses (enter 'U'"
            " for undergraduate,'G' for graduate.";
    cin >> courseLevel;

    if (courseLevel == "U")
        cout << "You selected undergraduate level courses.";

    return 0;

1 )未指定与字符串文字的比较结果(请改用strncmp)。
2)指针和整数('int'和'const char *')之间的比较。

I'm getting two error messages for my if statement: 1) Result of comparison against a string literal is unspecified (use strncmp instead). 2) Comparison between pointer and integer ('int' and 'const char*').


I seem to have resolved the issue by enclosing my U in single quotes, or the program at least works anyway. But, as I stated, I'd simply like to understand why I was getting the error so I can get a better understanding of what I'm doing.


You need to use single quotes instead.

在C语言中,(以及许多其他语言)a 字符常量 是一个单个字符 1 包含在单引号中

In C, (and many other languages) a character constant is a single character1 contained in single quotes:


字符串文字 > 是双引号中包含的任意数量的字符:

While a string literal is any number of characters contained in double quotes:


您将 courseLevel 声明为单个字符: char courseLevel ; 因此,您只能将其与另一个 char 进行比较。

You declared courseLevel as a single character: char courseLevel; So you can only compare that to another single char.

if(courseLevel == U ),左侧是 char ,而右侧是 const char * -指向该字符串文字中第一个 char 指针。您的编译器告诉您:

When you do if (courseLevel == "U"), the left side is a char, while the right side is a const char* -- a pointer to the first char in that string literal. Your compiler is telling you this:

指针与整数(' int '和' const char * ')


So your options are:

if (courseLevel == 'U')       // compare char to char


if (courseLevel == "U"[0])    // compare char to first char in string

  1. 完整性提示:您可以具有多字符常量

int a ='abcd'; //在GCC中为0x61626364

int a = 'abcd'; // 0x61626364 in GCC


But this is certainly not what you're looking for.