

我试图弄清楚Perl子例程及其工作方式. 从 perlsub 中,我了解到子例程是按引用调用的,并且子例程是赋值的(例如my(@copy) = @_; )将其转化为按值致电.

I'm trying to figure out Perl subroutines and how they work. From perlsub I understand that subroutines are call-by-reference and that an assignment (like my(@copy) = @_;) is needed to turn them into call-by-value.


In the following, I see that change is called-by-reference because "a" and "b" are changed into "x" and "y". But I'm confused about why the array isn't extended with an extra element "z"?

use strict;
use Data::Dumper;

my @a = ( "a" ,"b" );


print Dumper(\@a);

sub change
    @_[0] = "x";
    @_[1] = "y";
    @_[2] = "z";


$VAR1 = [


In the following, I pass a hash instead of an array. Why isn't the key changed from "a" to "x"?

use strict;
use Data::Dumper;

my %a = ( "a" => "b" );


print Dumper(\%a);

sub change
    @_[0] = "x";
    @_[1] = "y";


$VAR1 = {
    'a' => 'y'

我知道 real 解决方案是使用\@通过引用传递数组或哈希,但是我想准确地了解这些程序的行为.

I know the real solution is to pass the array or hash by reference using \@, but I'd like to understand the behaviour of these programs exactly.


Perl always passes by reference. It's just that sometimes the caller passes temporary scalars.


The first thing you have to realise is that the arguments of subs can be one and only one thing: a list of scalars.* One cannot pass arrays or hashes to them. Arrays and hashes are evaluated, returning a list of their content. That means that



f($a[0], $a[1], $a[2])


Perl passes by reference. Specifically, Perl aliases each of the arguments to the elements of @_. Modifying the elements @_ will change the scalars returned by $a[0], etc. and thus will modify the elements of @a.


The second thing of importance is that the key of an array or hash element determines where the element is stored in the structure. Otherwise, $a[4] and $h{k} would require looking at each element of the array or hash to find the desired value. This means that the keys aren't modifiable. Moving a value requires creating a new element with the new key and deleting the element at the old key.


As such, whenever you get the keys of an array or hash, you get a copy of the keys. Fresh scalars, so to speak.




   my $k1 = "a", $h{a},
   my $k2 = "b", $h{b}, 
   my $k2 = "c", $h{c}, 


@_ is still aliased to the values returned by %h, but some of those are just temporary scalars used to hold a key. Changing those will have no lasting effect.


* — Some built-ins (e.g. grep) are more like flow control statements (e.g. while). They have their own parsing rules, and thus aren't limited to the conventional model of a sub.


** — Prototypes can affect how the argument list is evaluated, but it will still result in a list of scalars.