

我想知道大括号的语义是如何精确定义的 在PHP里面?例如,假设我们已定义:

I was wondering, how is the semantics of braces exactly defined inside PHP? For instance, suppose we have defined:

$a = "foo";


echo "${a}";

echo "{$a}";

也就是说,在任何情况下 大括号外的美元符号与大括号内的美元符号相反 差异或结果始终相同(使用花括号) 几乎可以分组)?

that is, are there any circumstances where the placement of the dollar sign outside the braces as opposed to within braces makes a difference or is the result always the same (with braces used to group just about anything)?


There are a lot of possibilities for braces (such as omitting them), and things get even more complicated when dealing with objects or arrays.


I prefer interpolation to concatenation, and I prefer to omit braces when not necessary. Sometimes, they are.


You cannot use object operators with ${} syntax. You must use {$...} when calling methods, or chaining operators (if you have only one operator such as to get a member, the braces may be omitted).


The ${} syntax can be used for variable variables:

$y = 'x';
$x = 'hello';
echo "${$y}"; //hello


The $$ syntax does not interpolate in a string, making ${} necessary for interpolation. You can also use strings (${'y'}) and even concatenate within a ${} block. However, variable variables can probably be considered a bad thing.


For arrays, either will work ${foo['bar']} vs. {$foo['bar']}. I prefer just $foo[bar] (for interpolation only -- outside of a string bar will be treated as a constant in that context).