如何访问通过jQuery load()发送给div的URL参数


我正在使用jQuery load()将部分页面加载到div中.我想像这样将url参数传递给部分页面

I am using jQuery load() to load a partial page into a div. I want to pass url parameters to the partial page like so

<div id='partial'></div>

如何从子页面内部访问这些参数?我在子页面中尝试了以下操作,但问题是window.location不是给我child_page.html?key = 1而是给了我根页面url.

How do I access these parameters from inside the child page? I tried the following in the child page, but the issue is that the window.location is not giving me child_page.html?key=1 but is giving me the root page url.

var url = window.location;
//code to parse the url to extract the parameters goes here


It is not possible for the "child page" to have its own DOM and scripting context, because it was simply retrieved as a string (via AJAX) and inserted into the parent page. Therefore it does not have its own window.location. Everything is added to the DOM of the parent page, and scripts are executed in the context of the parent page.


If you want to share variables between your parent page and the new script loaded with load, you can attach the variable to window and then access it in the script of the "child page".


// parent page
window.sharedVariable = "Hello World!";

// child page
var v = window.sharedVariable;

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Here is an alternate method to support multiple partials, using data attributes to share the variables.

// parent page
$('#partial_1').load(url).data("param", "111");
$('#partial_2').load(url).data("param", "222");
$('#partial_3').load(url).data("param", "333");

// child page
var scriptTag = document.scripts[document.scripts.length - 1];
var parentTag = scriptTag.parentNode;
var param = $(parentTag).data("param");


Basically, we set the data we want to share in the partial's div. And then in the "child page", we find the current running script tag, then the parent tag would be the div that has the data in it.

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