jQuery .load可以追加而不是替换吗?



I have a WordPress install and I'm trying to use jQuery to create a Load More effect. I'm having some trouble using the basic .load feature for page fragments. I don't mind using .get as I saw some threads here regarding that as a better solution.


Here's my page URL structure and the contents:

第一页: http://example.com/page/1/


<div id="articles">
  <div class="story">blah blah blah</div>
  <div class="story">blah blah blah</div>
  <div class="story">blah blah blah</div>
  <div class="story">blah blah blah</div>

第二页: http://example.com/page/2/


<div id="articles">
  <div class="story">blah blah blah</div>
  <div class="story">blah blah blah</div>
  <div class="story">blah blah blah</div>
  <div class="story">blah blah blah</div>


I have a link at the bottom of the page and I've tried doing the following:

jQuery(#articles).load('http://example.com/page/2/ #articles');

遗憾的是,有2个问题。首先,.load函数从第二页获取 #articles div 及其内容,并将其放入现有的 #articles div 。这意味着,即使这可行,每次点击也会在div内产生递归div。

Sadly, there are 2 issues. First the .load function grabs the #articles div and its contents from the second page and places it into the existing #articles div. That means, even if this were to work, there would be recursive divs within divs resulting from each click. It's just messy.

有人可以帮助我简单地从第二页附加 .story类的命令吗?进入首页的 #articles div ?之后,我可以弄清楚使用变量,循环和适用于WordPress的PHP自动化的后勤工作。只需使用适当的jQuery脚本即可获得帮助。

Could someone help me with the command to simply append the .story classes from the second page into the #articles div on the first page? I can figure out the logistics of automating it with variables, loops, and PHP for WordPress after. Just need some assitance with the proper jQuery script.

P.S。奖励问题:如果有人知道jQuery .load / .get是否会损害综合浏览量,这对于那些基于广告收入的用户来说很重要,请告诉我!如果每个.load / .get都算是Google Analytics(分析)的另一个热门,那么我们很好!

P.S. Bonus Question: If anyone knows whether jQuery .load/.get will harm pageviews, which is important for those with advertising-based revenue, please let me know! If each .load/.get counts as another hit for Google Analytics, we're good!


您不能使用 jQuery.load()方法附加内容,但是可以使用 jQuery.get()

You can't append content using the jQuery.load() method, but you can do what you want using jQuery.get():

$.get('/page/2/', function(data){ 
  $(data).find("#articles .story").appendTo("#articles");