在Azure WebApp / Website中使用Windows身份验证


我们在联网的Azure VM上有一个Active Directory域,并且在同一个虚拟网络上有一个单独的Azure WebApp / Website运行Orchard CMS。

We have an Active Directory domain sitting on a networked Azure VM and have a separate Azure WebApp/Website that is running Orchard CMS on the same virtual network.

Do webapps是否支持连接到Active Directory的Windows身份验证?如果是这样,我该如何在IIS中进行设置?

Do webapps support windows authentication for connecting to Active Directory? If so, how do I go about setting it up in IIS?

不,这是不可能的。为了使Windows身份验证适用于内部部署。对于Azure网站,Azure Active Directory显然是最佳选择。从AD同步到Azure Active Directory也很容易设置。

No, it's not possible. In order to have Windows Authentication is something from for on premise deployments. For Azure Web Sites Azure Active Directory is clearly the best option. Sync from AD to Azure Active Directory is also quite easy to setup.

如果您仍想绝对使用Windows Auth并在Azure上托管您的网站,您可以创建Windows VM并在那里托管您的网站。然后,您需要将VM加入AD。为此,两个VM必须位于同一网络中。因此,如果您的VM是内部部署,则需要创建站点到站点VPN

If you still want to absolutely use Windows Auth and host your website on Azure, you can create Windows VM and host your website there. You then need to join the VM to your AD. To this, both VMs must be in the same network. So if your VM is on-premise you will need to create an site-to-site VPN