使用子目录中的404 ErrorDocument



I have a htaccess file in a sub folder like so:



In the htaccess file the following code to set a 404 ErrorDocument

ErrorDocument 404 /404.php

问题是404页将加载根目录中的文件,而不是 / subfolder / 文件夹中的文件。我不能简单地将htaccess文件更改为使用/subfolder/404.php,因为该系统将安装在许多不同的地方。

The issue is the 404 page in the root directory is loaded rather than the one in the /subfolder/ folder. I can't simply change the htaccess file to use /subfolder/404.php because the system is going to be installed in lots of different places.


Is there a way to reference the files in the directory that the htaccess is in?

我只是遇到了同样的问题,找到了您的页面。如果您具有域/文件夹,并且想要将任何内容从文件夹重定向回到域的索引,请使用 ErrorDocument 404 /

I just had the same problem and found you page...If you have domain/folder and want to redirect anything from the folder back to the domain's index, use ErrorDocument 404 /


...I'm not sure if this goes to the root folder or one folder up, but in your case (and mine) they are one in the same.
