发布在Android Market中的应用程序的优点



I have written an application and now it's time to publish it. I'm wondering where to publish it (in Market or in my Website) thinking about future updates, are there any advantages I should know about when publishing on my site? What are the advantages or disadvantages if I publish it in Android's Market or in my site? I hope I'm making myself clear.


其实我有同样的问题。 (我已经创建了我的出版商帐户昨天。)

I actually had the same question. (I've created my publisher account yesterday.)

发布的Andr​​oid Market的优势:

Advantages of publishing in Android Market:

  • 在大多数人去到市场上寻找应用程序(更大的宣传)
  • 您从用户那里获得更多的反馈/意见
  • 更新管理
  • 一键安装 - >便于用户


  • 这不是免费的,以创建一个帐户($ 25)
  • 在一些准则(但这些都不是真正严格)