

您好,我想在brt报告中输入简单的阿拉伯文字,该阿拉伯文字在编辑器中显示正常,但在pdf中则显示未知字符. 我猜这是某种编码,我尝试使用tahoma字体(因为它包含阿拉伯语),但存在相同的问题.

Hi I'm trying to enter simple arabic text in a brt report, the arabic text shows fine in the editor, but in the pdf it shows unknown caracters. I'm guessing it's some sort of encoding, i tried to use tahoma font (since it includes arabic, ) but same problem.

任何想法如何解决此问题? 谢谢

Any idea how to fix this ? Thanks


I had similar issue in my application.Its related to font. For that I have created my version of fontsConfig.xml and loaded it on my application start.


EngineConfig class has the following method to load it.

setFontConfig(URL fontConfig)