

有没有免费的图书馆,这将让我打开一个PDF格式,并显示在一个WinForm项目。我知道我可以在Adobe Reader或东西打开它,但它似乎总是那么臃肿给我,我会依赖它正在安装。是否有一个很好的轻量级替代在那里我可以只包括在我的项目一个DLL或类似避免外部依赖性。

Is there a FREE library which will allow me to open a pdf and show it on a winform project. I know I could open it in adobe reader or something but it always seems so bloated to me and I would be relying on it being installed. Is there a nice lightweight alternative where I could just include a dll in my project or similar avoiding external dependencies.


I don't need much functionality just view, change page zoom..


I have seen a few libraries but they seem to be about creating PDF's not viewing.

与Acrobat Reader软件应该安装的ActiveX控件,可以通过设计师把它或使用类似的这个

The ActiveX control installed with acrobat reader should work, either drop it in via the designer or use something like this.


This will require the relevant version of the reader is installed on the client but since you indicate that you could just launch that anyway this should not be a problem. reader