


I am trying to opening some pdf from my Android application. I am using an Intent for doing that:

Intent intent = new Intent();
intent.setDataAndType(Uri.parse(url), "application/pdf");


This code works well for some pdf but it fails when I try to open others.


This is the message that Android is showing to me:


There is a problem with the file.

我必须提到的是,使用一个Crystal Report模板创建了无问题打开的pdf,而使用另一个Crystal Report模板创建了失败的pdf.

I have to mention that the pdf that are being opened without problems are created with one Crystal Report template and the pdfs that are failing are created with another one.

相反,如果我打开在我的浏览器(在我的计算机上)上失败的pdf的url,打开它并不会给我任何错误,所以我想也许Android上有一些限制与一些pdf到另一个(在Crystal Report模板上),但我看不到.

As opposed, if I open the url of the pdfs that are failing on my browser (on my computer), it does not give to me any error opening them so I guess that maybe there is some limitation on Android that differs from some pdf to another (on Crystal Report template) but I cannot see it.

在Android上打开pdf文件存在哪些限制? (大小,不允许使用Crystal Report的某些参数,等等.)

What limitations exist on opening a pdf file on Android? (Size, some parameters of Crystal Report that are not allowed, etc...)


I have discarded that it could be a size limitation because the pdf files that are giving problems are smaller than the files that do not give any error.


  • 在浏览器中打开错误的PDF ~~>确定
  • 在手机上下载错误的PDF并打开它~~>确定
  • 在APP上打开错误的PDF ~~> 错误
  • 在PDF崩溃的公司的APP上打开好的PDF ~~>可以
  • Opening wrong PDFs on browser ~~> OK
  • Downloading wrong PDF on mobile phone and open it ~~> OK
  • Opening wrong PDFs on APP ~~> Error
  • Opening good PDF on APP of the company that PDFs crash ~~> OK



I have noticed that I was using http:// protocol but the PDF is on a https:// protocol, so I have changed it on Uri.parse method.


When I made this change, the app crashed and an error was shown on the log:


android.content.ActivityNotFoundException: No Activity found to handle Intent


Also, I have noticed that the PDFs that does not give to me any error, are in an url with http:// protocol instead of https:// so I guess that https:// protocol can be the problem.


Am I only able to open http:// request on an Intent?


I found a workaround to view my PDF on my Android application (but does not allow me to download it after show on the application). If I open my PDF using Google Docs I can open it with my Intent.


This is what I had to add before my url:



so the final url will be like:



Here is the whole code I am using right now:

String url= "https://docs.google.com/gview?embedded=true&url=https://url.pdf";
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(url));


But it is still not enough, because I would like to open it without need of using a third party application. Also, opening PDF with Google Docs is slow and I have to wait too much until the PDF is finally opened.


If anyone knows how to open it with native Android please let me know.


Android使用相同的代码,但仅使用我的网址,而不是添加的Google文档网址,因此我可以在以下两个应用程序之间进行选择:Adobe Acrobat Reader和Google Chrome.

With the same code, but just using my url, instead the added Google Docs url, Android let me choose between two applications: Adobe Acrobat Reader and Google Chrome.

  • 如果我使用Google Chrome浏览器打开它,则会下载PDF,但不会自动打开.

  • If I open it with Google Chrome it download the PDF but it is not opened automatically.

如果我使用Adobe Acrobat Reader将其打开,则会出现以下错误:

If I open it with Adobe Acrobat Reader, it gives to me the following error:


The PDF cannot be shown (it cannot be opened)