Vue/HTML/JS 如何使用下载标签将文件下载到浏览器



This question is different from the other answer provided, because my question is focused on VUE and if VUE also has a way to prevent the default method.

这个问题更具体地针对 HTML 5下载"以及 :href 的 VUE 绑定,以及为什么它不能阻止在新选项卡中打开文件的默认浏览器行为.

This question is more specific to HTML 5 "download" along with VUE binding of the :href and why it doesn't work to prevent the default browser behavior of opening the file in a new tab.


Expected behavior : Download the file to the browser


Actual behavior : Opens the file in a new tab

例外:在新选项卡中仅打开图像、pdf 和浏览器兼容文件,其他文件如 .exe 正常下载 - 为什么会这样,可以在 html 中更改此行为吗?

Exception: Only images, pdf and browser compatible files are opened in a new tab, other files like .exe are downloaded as normal - Why is this, can this behavior be changed in html?

添加 target="_blank" 并没有解决问题

Adding target="_blank" does not solve the problem

<a :href="downloadById(item.url)" download>Download</a>

当点击上面的链接时,文件会在新的浏览器选项卡中打开,我需要阻止这种默认行为并在点击时强制下载.HTML 5 标签下载"应该解决这个问题似乎不起作用.

When the above link is clicked, the file is opened in a new browser tab, i need to prevent this default behavior and force a download upon click. The HTML 5 tag "download" is suppose to solve this problem doesn't seem to work.

Chrome 最近弃用了用于跨域下载的下载标签表单.vue 是否有修饰符来防止这种默认设置?有没有其他方法可以以 javascript 或 html 格式下载文件?

Chrome has recently deprecated the download tag form working with cross domain downloads. Does vue have a modifier to prevent this default? Are there any other ways to download the file either in javascript or in html?

一个提议的解决方案是将 URL 作为 arrayBuffer 读取,然后在 DOM 中创建一个新的 blob,然后创建一个锚元素并单击它.. 但这似乎很难强制下载文件.

One proposed solution is to read the URL as a arrayBuffer and then create a new blob in the DOM, and then create an anchor element and click it.. But that seems hacky to force a download of a file.

我相信他们一定是从 URL 下载文件的更干净的解决方案,这是一个微不足道的问题,希望有一个简单的解决方案.

I am sure their must be a cleaner solution to download a file form a URL, its a trivial problem, hoping for a simple solution.


您可以将文件作为 blob 获取并以相同的方式提供,不会有导致 CORS 问题的请求.

You can fetch the file as a blob and provide it the same way, there will be no request that leads into CORS issues.


  @click.prevent="downloadItem(item)" />


methods: {
  downloadItem ({ url, label }) {
    Axios.get(url, { responseType: 'blob' })
      .then(response => {
        const blob = new Blob([], { type: 'application/pdf' })
        const link = document.createElement('a')
        link.href = URL.createObjectURL(blob) = label

注意:我在示例中使用了 Axios,但这不是必需的,为了简单起见,blob 的 mime 类型是硬连线的.