PDF 文件中的元数据


我希望能够在 PDF 中存储一些特定于插件的数据,以便在加载该 PDF 时我可以重新读取它,而用户不会看到这些元数据.

I want to be able to store some plugin-specific data in a PDF so that I can read it back when that PDF is loaded back, without this metadata being visible to the user.

如何将此元数据放入 PDF 文件中?

How can I put this metadata into the PDF File?

PDF 支持 XMP 元数据.您应该将特定于插件的信息作为有效负载附加到 XMP 部分中.

PDF supports XMP metadata. You should append your plug-in specific information as a payload in the XMP portion.