

因此,我目前正在针对Windows 8应用商店使用C#/XAML进行项目开发,而我遇到了问题.

So, im currently working on a project using C#/XAML for a Windows 8 Store App and I've encountred a problem.

当用户导航到页面时,将显示带有某些控件的ListView. 然后,当用户决定捕捉页面时,我的应用程序崩溃并显示以下内容:

When the user navigates to a Page a ListView with some Controls shows up. Then when the user decides to snap the page my application crashes and shows this:


In my IntelliTrace this shows up and I press an Exception.


It navigates me to this code.

     /// <summary>
    /// Implement this partial method to configure the service endpoint.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="serviceEndpoint">The endpoint to configure</param>
    /// <param name="clientCredentials">The client credentials</param>

    static partial void ConfigureEndpoint(System.ServiceModel.Description.ServiceEndpoint serviceEndpoint, System.ServiceModel.Description.ClientCredentials clientCredentials);

    public EmployeeAssisterClient() : 
            base(EmployeeAssisterClient.GetDefaultBinding(), EmployeeAssisterClient.GetDefaultEndpointAddress()) {
        this.Endpoint.Name = EndpointConfiguration.TimeLoggerEndPoint.ToString();
        ConfigureEndpoint(this.Endpoint, this.ClientCredentials);


I add the controls to the listview as follows:

            _timeReports = _timeReportDatabase.GetAll();

            foreach (var timeReport in _timeReports)
                _invoicedControls.Add(new InvoicedControl(timeReport)
                        Customer = timeReport.CustomerName,
                        Date = timeReport.Date,
                        WorkedTime = timeReport.WorkedTime.ToString(),
                        InvoicedTime = timeReport.InvoicedTime.ToString()

            TimeReportsListViewFillView.ItemsSource = _invoicedControls;
            TimeReportsListViewFullView.ItemsSource = _invoicedControls;
            TimeReportsListViewPortraitView.ItemsSource = _invoicedControls;
            TimeReportsListViewSnappedView.ItemsSource = _invoicedControls;

EDIT =============================================== ===============================



我通过在Cmd中键入"C:\ Program Files \ Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0 \ Common7 \ IDE \ VsDiag_regwcf.exe -u"来关闭WCF调试,并解决了2/3个问题

I turned off WCF debugging by typing "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\VsDiag_regwcf.exe -u" into the Cmd and it resolved 2/3 problems


This is the last error in my IntelliTrace:


What does this error mean? And does any1 have an idea how to fix this?

根据显示的内容,可能是您使用了生成的页面(从模板),然后删除了其中的一些Xaml ,这很好.

Based on what you've shown, it's likely that you've used a generated page (from a template), then removed some of the Xaml inside of it, which is fine.


The thing that you likely haven't done is removed the references to those controls you removed from the storyboards of the VisualStateManager, specifically for the Snapped state.

转到页面并检查(通常在底部)Xaml的快照" VisualState,然后检查并查看任何情节提要中是否有不再具有的控件的TargetName.

Go to your page and check (generally at the bottom of) the Xaml for the "Snapped" VisualState, then check and see if any of the Storyboards have a TargetName of a control that you no longer have.