在哪个scieno中我需要在Jquery Ajax方法中使用async:false或async:true

在哪个scieno中我需要在Jquery Ajax方法中使用async:false或async:true


我想知道我需要在哪里使用async: false, or async: true Jquery Ajax方法

i am wondering where i need to use async: false, or async: true Jquery Ajax Method

我有一个带有字段的表单,当我单击按钮时,我正在调用jquery ajax方法将值从此字段保存到服务器

i have one form with fields and when i click on button i am calling jquery ajax method to save value from this fields to server

                        url: "../Member/Home.aspx/SaveClient",
                        type: "POST",
                        async: false,
                        dataType: 'json',
                        contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
                        data: "{'projectSoid': '" + $("#hdnValueProjectSoid").val()
                            + "', 'name': '" + Name
                            + "', 'industry ': '" + Industry
                            + "', 'descriptions ': '" + Descriptions
                            + "', 'employment ': '" + Employment
                            + "', 'email  ': '" + Email
                            + "', 'phone  ': '" + Phone + "'}",
                        success: function (response) {
                            if (response.d != null) {



Async : The ajax response you are trying to get has no dependency on next task you are doing.


Sync: The ajax response you are trying receive has dependency on the next task you are doing.