


I've been working on developing a middle man application of sorts, which uploads text to a CMS backend using HTTP post requests for a series of dates (usually 7 at a time). I am using HttpWebRequest to accomplish this. It seems to work fine for the first date, but when it starts the second date I get the System.Net.WebException: The request was aborted: The request was canceled.


I've searched around and found the following big clues: -fb4d206434dc


And they haven't been too helpful. I've tried overloading the GetWebReuqest but that doesn't make sense because I don't make any use of that function.



I get the error on line 245 after it has run successfully at least once.

我将非常感谢我能提供的任何帮助,因为这是我在项目中的最后一步已经工作了一段时间。这是我的第一个C#/ VS项目,因此我乐于接受任何技巧,但我想重点关注如何首先解决此问题。

I'd appreciate any help I can get as this is the last step in a project I've been working on for sometime. This is my first C#/VS project so I'm open to any tips but I would like to focus on getting this problem solved first.



The common solution listed on the Internet appears to be to set the KeepAlive property of the HttpWebRequest to false. This can resolve the problem if the root cause is that the connection is expected to be reused even though it was actually closed automatically after some period of time. However, there is a performance hit to constantly opening and closing connections.

遇到此问题时,我使用的另一个可能的解决方案是扩展Timeout属性:WebRequest.ReadWriteTimeout ,WebRequest.Timeout,RequestStream.WriteTimeout和RequestStream.ReadTimeout。请注意,这些时间以毫秒为单位,因此您可能希望超时为1000 * 60 * 10,以表示10分钟(如果您认为这意味着什么,则为600000)。您可以通过减小文件大小来测试这是否更可能是问题的原因。

Another possible solution that I used when I encountered this problem was to extend the Timeout properties: WebRequest.ReadWriteTimeout, WebRequest.Timeout, RequestStream.WriteTimeout, and RequestStream.ReadTimeout. Please note these are in milliseconds, so you may want the timeouts to be 1000 * 60 * 10 to represent 10 minutes (or just 600000 if you think you will know what that means...). You can test if this is the more likely cause of the problem by reducing the file size.


BTW. Your code wasn't on the listed website anymore. You may want to include it in the text of your post if it is still an issue.